
I adore running archetypal workshops. I love sharing this material. I recently ran two very different workshops for two very different clients (a start-up incubator and an established women’s leadership network). Below is the outline of each so you can get a sense of the material covered. I create bespoke workshops for each client based on their needs.

Perceiving the archetypal patterns influencing the start-up world:
  • Class 1: Intro to archetypal world
  • Class 2: Pioneer & Advocate
  • Class 3: Visionary & Hermit
  • Class 4: Rebel & Gambler
  • Class 5: Muse & Guide
Archetypal patterns to perceive personal and global change:
  • Class 1: Intro to archetypal world
  • Class 2: Alchemist & Artist
  • Class 3: Storyteller & Networker
  • Class 4: Seeker & Rescuer
  • Class 5: Damsel/Princess/Queen & Empath

In the introduction class we cover:
  • What archetypes are
  • Why it’s essential to ‘speak archetype’
  • Light and shadow expressions
  • The challenge and grace of the patterns
  • Archetypes and your relationship to power 
  • The four survival archetypes according to Caroline Myss: Child, Victim, Prostitute, Saboteur
And then with the other classes we deep dive into specific archetypes:
  • Their agendas, motivations, power issues and shadow patterns 
  • How to shift from the literal to the symbolic 
  • How to manage the flow of power through your psyche
  • How to accelerate the speed and enrich the alchemy in your life 

Sessions are a mixture of technical understanding, active and experiential learning and collective sharing on how these archetypal patterns influence individuals, society, the Zeitgeist and planet.

Please email me to discuss facilitating a workshop series for you:

© 2020 Kristina Dryza